ESBuild Builder
Build GitHub Actions using ESBuild.
pnpm add -D actions-kit @actions-sdk/esbuild-builder
yarn add -D actions-kit @actions-sdk/esbuild-builder
npm install -D actions-kit @actions-sdk/esbuild-builder
bun install -D actions-kit @actions-sdk/esbuild-builder
Set the builder
in your actions-kit.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "actions-kit/config";
import esbuild from "@actions-sdk/esbuild-builder";
export default defineConfig({
builder: esbuild({
Customizing ESBuild
You can customize the ESBuild options by passing the options directly into the esbuild
Not all of ESBuild's options are supported. For a list of the supported options, see ESBuild Options.
import { defineConfig } from "actions-kit/config";
import esbuild from "@actions-sdk/esbuild-builder";
export default defineConfig({
builder: esbuild({
target: "esnext",
format: "esm",
minify: true,
ESBuild Options
These are the supported ESBuild options:
Option | Type | Documentation |
sourcemap | boolean | 'linked' | 'inline' | 'external' | 'both' | Source Map |
legalComments | 'none' | 'inline' | 'eof' | 'linked' | 'external' | Legal Comments |
sourceRoot | string | Source Root |
sourcesContent | boolean | Sources Content |
format | 'iife' | 'cjs' | 'esm' | Format |
globalName | string | Global Name |
target | string | string[] | Target |
supported | Record<string, boolean> | Supported |
platform | 'browser' | 'node' | 'neutral' | Platform |
mangleProps | RegExp | Mangle Props |
reserveProps | RegExp | Mangle Props |
mangleQuoted | boolean | Mangle Props |
mangleCache | Record<string, string | false> | Mangle Props |
drop | ('console' | 'debugger')[] | Drop |
dropLabels | string[] | Drop Labels |
minify | boolean | Minify |
minifyWhitespace | boolean | Minify |
minifyIdentifiers | boolean | Minify |
minifySyntax | boolean | Minify |
lineLimit | number | Line Limit |
charset | 'ascii' | 'utf8' | Charset |
treeShaking | boolean | Tree Shaking |
ignoreAnnotations | boolean | Ignore Annotations |
jsx | 'transform' | 'preserve' | 'automatic' | JSX |
jsxFactory | string | JSX Factory |
jsxFragment | string | JSX Fragment |
jsxImportSource | string | JSX Import Source |
jsxDev | boolean | JSX Development |
jsxSideEffects | boolean | JSX Side Effects |
define | { [key: string]: string } | Define |
pure | string[] | Pure |
keepNames | boolean | Keep Names |
color | boolean | Color |
logLevel | 'verbose' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'silent' | Log Level |
logLimit | number | Log Limit |
logOverride | Record<string, LogLevel> | Log Override |
bundle | boolean | Bundle |
splitting | boolean | Splitting |
preserveSymlinks | boolean | Preserve Symlinks |
outfile | string | Outfile |
metafile | boolean | Metafile |
outdir | string | Outdir |
outbase | string | Outbase |
external | string[] | External |
packages | 'bundle' | 'external' | Packages |
alias | Record<string, string> | Alias |
loader | { [ext: string]: Loader } | Loader |
resolveExtensions | string[] | Resolve Extensions |
mainFields | string[] | Main Fields |
conditions | string[] | Conditions |
write | boolean | Write |
allowOverwrite | boolean | Allow Overwrite |
tsconfig | string | TSConfig |
outExtension | { [ext: string]: string } | Out Extension |
publicPath | string | Public Path |
entryNames | string | Entry Names |
chunkNames | string | Chunk Names |
assetNames | string | Asset Names |
inject | string[] | Inject |
banner | { [type: string]: string } | Banner |
footer | { [type: string]: string } | Footer |
entryPoints | string[] | Record<string, string> | { in: string, out: string }[] | Entry Points |
plugins | Plugin[] | Plugins |
absWorkingDir | string | Working Directory |
nodePaths | string[] | Node Paths |